PAD Challenge Day 9: Pen & Paper

 PAD Challenge Day 9: Write a persona poem (for an inanimate object).

Pen & Paper

I never knew what

a ride or die meant

until I met Pen & Paper.

Some true comrades.

My poetry tribe.

Real and reliable as my creator;

Never ignored or fronted my feelings;

Never judged my baby steps,

Or laughed at my stage presence.

Just a trustworthy duet

that invited and accepted

me as I was at the age of seven.

We produced a picture-perfect

threesome in between rhyme and rhythm.

Galloped for meters after meters

from Nursery Rhymes, Haikus, Limericks,

Acrostic poems to Free verses.

They fostered my heart,

became my ideal of “village”.

Something like the big sister

and BFF that I fantasized about.

They lifted my soul as I lifted them.

They cradled my passions;

Housed my dreams with

no vacancies for sabotage or manipulation.

They never ghosted me, but I could

hide out and be free for FREE

even if nobody cared to

hear me read.

They made love to my right hand,

read love out loud

between the lines for those

who respected them.

They provided protection

for my internal peace from

the generational curses

that I fought consciously

and while asleep.

They spoke of my fears

when I wanted to swallow them,

thinking this way was a better way to heal.

They painted the distress to come for 

an intelligent, nerdy, little black girl like me.

They still color me in, the only change,

I’m a black woman now, in the

same crazy ass world.

They help me understand the art of me;

allow me to see me as I see me.

They love me as I love me through everyday’ s

mental, lyrical exercise and therapy.

They birth strength in me as I release

shackles for the revelations of my soul.

And when I am no longer here, 

in the flesh,

all of my known and unknown 

dried ink and sheets of paper

will still know me best.




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