From Woman to Woman: An Open Letter to Myself

Happy March! In honor of Women’s Month (March 1-March 31), I wrote a loving, open letter to myself. I have written one before, but not as heartfelt and in depth as this one. My past, present and future, and latest accomplishment inspired me. May your past, present, latest and future inspire you too!

Dear Danielle,

I am truly proud of you. You're an amazing and phenomenal woman. A beautiful, talented, ball-of-fire, cool-as water and wind, and elegant black sister--that beat so many odds while managing to remain even through them all, with your soul and mind intact. You are one of the best women that STEMs from a single parent home. What a wonderful product produced by your queen mother-- that you watched juggle school, raising two kids, and work at the same time? The outcome of your youth and womanhood is totally a blessing to what you've become. Please, thank your mother-send her flowers and wine- you owe her for the love and knowledge she loaned you.

You never fit in because your spirit and wit always colored you beautifully and courageously outside the lines of life. And the best part of you was listening to your mother and grandmothers---learning from them, breaking cycles that have broken many women stereotypically, physically, emotionally, and mentally. 

The best thing in life that you ever did was forgive your father for neglect, bad parenting and the lack of responsibilities. You freed yourself a little more, enabling your heart to trust and love, freely and timelessly. The best lesson you learned was that relationships do not always really last--people come and go and some will not love and care as you do and that is ok---these type of goodbyes are healthy. They encourage more growth and welcome the light of God and the right individuals to love and cherish you, as you do. And the best thing you ever did, was find love in God, self, and for your people.

As your mother has told you, you are a chosen one. God created you for many reasons; so, always remember the light and how it'll keep you from growing in darkness. Though you had bad days, just like any other man and woman, you prayed through them and kept your head and spirit high. Sometimes the evil of others, inequality, fear and doubt isolated you, but your determination and perseverance resurrected you. Even cancer tried to steal your joy and happiness and journey to success, but you strive and thrive to survive it! 

So, please, continue to smile and be confident. These are the most beautiful accessories that I've ever seen you wear on your big and beautiful, smooth, melanin body. Wear and model them proudly, as you have and should. Life has always been your heirloom that you cherished because its your inheritance which makes you impossible to replace. Remain your generous, humble and witty self. Keep your standards, as you have and never settle for less in anything or anyone. It’s “ok” to not be perfect. But it is “ok” to know and do what is “right” more so than what is “wrong”. And it's ok to say "no" and be a little more selfish. Your heart deserves to only beat for you sometimes.

Remember, anything can be taken from you and nothing truly last forever, so do not take anything or anyone for granted. Always speak from the heart and honestly tell those that matter how you feel before walking away. Lastly, continue to love, improve yourself and love the world as God's only son has loved you.

Congratulations on exceeding most of your dreams and goals-(I am your biggest cheerleader and you’re my black superhero) you only have 3 more left! You can do it…and will do it! I am here to make sure you will!

P.S. I love and admire you future Dr. Robinson. 


Your Bestie Danielle


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