This Is Me, This Is Who I am
The girl that smiles at every sunrise, Writes before and after every sunset, Daydream under the moonlight, And beyond all clouds and stars. The girl who loves love, Fear hate, Thinks of the world first, And herself last. The girl who is stimulated by sweet rhymes between stanzas, Cappuccinos, Butterflies, The lights of Paris , The essence of Motherland The accents of French and Arabic, Different shades of purple, Confident walking and intelligent gentlemen, Fresh fragrances, Sunflowers, And White roses. The girl who have love affairs with music, Is engaged to nature, Adore learning and observing art and photography For an eye full of beauty And a mental frame of What life really is and looks like. The girl who’s face reflects her Great-great grandmother’s, Soul reflects her Nana’s, Beauty and brains of her Mother’s, And urban style and egoism of her Father’s The girl who is extra plump With a melodic voice, And a phenomenal mind. Soft ...