PAD Challenge Day 22: What I πŸ’œ About My Sister-Friends

PAD Challenge Day 22: Write a "What (blank)" poem.

What I Love About My Sister-Friends 

I have three older than me.
One is 49. 
She could be President 
but she's an Oprah and 
First Lady Michelle to me.
One is 47. 
She is the carribean carnival of life.
Teaches me to never think twice.
One is almost 43. 
She can set a flame of excellence throughout an entire community.

Then there are three;
the same age as me.
One is an Aries too.
Adventurous, independent and empathic like me.
Two is cool water, loyal and assertive. 
Three is Vogue and creates things you've never thought you would see.
Four of us together, 
we're like the Louisiana's holy trinity.

But what I really love about my sister friends
is their unconditional love,
and transparency.
We even have the same positive energy.
We can show our wounds,
share our woes, 
cry, laugh, defend 
and be our authentic selves
without feeling like frenemies.



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